If you have been using business cards and upon every meeting the clients asks for a new one because its lost then your business card is probably seeing the bin before it gets into their business card holder, though times have changed and a few of them would want you to shift to e-business cards and ditch the old methods, there are still plenty of business people out there who value the business cards and it is still as classy an introduction as it was back in the day, if your business cards are failing to impress your clients then its time you upgrade to Metal Kards.
The reason why metal kards are an upgrade on your regular paper business cards is that they are unique, if someone is handed a metal business card they are likely to at least have a look at it before throwing it away, and only a few of us order metal kards as these are expensive, so if you receive hundred business cards on a business event or a trade show it is likely that 90 of those would be your regular paper business card.
When you create an identity through a unique metal business card and it helps your personal branding agenda you have reached your goal because that is exactly what a business card is there for, and an upgrade to a metal business card is likely to do that, another reason why metal business cards are an upgrade over the paper business card is because the metal business card will have a completely different lifespan, it is durable and if you get the quality of finishing spot on, it will stay in top shape for a good couple of years at least.